Wednesday, May 13, 2009

GVA 7th Year Anniversary "April 2009"

Dear GVA Members and Friends,

As usual April of each year since 2002 we celebrate the 'birthdate' of GVA.

This is a good reminder of why we set up this organization. The reason and purpose for a group of people of the same mind to join together for a common cause.

This is also a reminder that we are all citizens of the world.

Today we know that germs found in one country almost overnight it is found in another country on the other side of the globe and within days spread everywhere.

Trouble in Wall Street also means trouble for Macau and literally every continent on Earth.

Going back to common cause, what are they?

Well, first of all as Citizens of the World we are also responsible to keep our Home in good condition, fit for us and our children and our grandchildren to live in for now and many generations down the line. Everything that we do today affect our tomorrow.

So what can we do today?

Well, I think many of our members know and are in fact doing already. For those who still do not know what to do, I suggest that you look up for our GVA Monthly Newsletter, in English and Chinese and our website, and you may find many tips there.

April 2009 is the 7th Anniversary of Global Village Association Macau. Along these seven long years many members especially the Committee and Active Members have offered freely great ideas, their work and have shown undying dedication and perseverance to contribute in whatever way they can to make things better.

Their works :

-Life Art Education- promoting creative thinking and wholesome learning techniques, through Art Works. Macau, Philippines and Cambodia.

-Environmental Awareness- promoting environmental friendly products and responsible living. Macau and Philippines.

-Special Needs children- promoting the awareness of the suffering and plight of the very misunderstood members of our children with Autism. Macau, Hong Kong and China.

-Social Works- through casual small group gatherings especially people with the same interest and hobbies they can learn from each other, uniting not separating. Macau, Philippines.

These are only some of the great works that our Members have achieved so far. Their offerings are great, but their rewards are much much greater, because through their works they have touched and inspired hundreds of people directly and indirectly I am sure thousands.

For more details please visit our website.

In closing I would like to pray to God to give us strength, each and everyone of us and guide us through this difficult time that we may be able to continue our work as long as we stand on this beautiful tiny, fragile, blue planet Earth.

In Love Light
